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TearDrops - Hilfe für Kashmir

about us

We are a group of people from very different backgrounds, such as tax consultancy, engineering, medicine, psychology and the textile industry, which have one thing in common: we want to do something, we want to make the lives of people in need in Jammu & Kashmir / Northern India a little bit better.

We can ensure that the donations reach those in need at full volume.

We all work on a voluntary basis and administrative and travel expenses are personally covered.

our vision

Our vision is a world in which every child has the right to survive, protection, education and personal development. A world in which women can earn their own living because they have a good education. A world where people get the medical and medicinal treatment they need.

This vision forms the basis of our actions and aid. We are also guided by the universal principles of human dignity and solidarity. In Jammu & Kashmir, we want to help wherever needed.

Aid - as simple as that

Easy and straightforward – helping can be as simple as that: we take the donations directly to those in Jammu & Kashmir, who urgently need it.


The association Tear Drops e.V. provides help for self-help. The extent of the emergency determines the sequence of aid and support. The incidence is verified on site by local charitable foundations and is independent of origin, religion, social position and political conviction.


Tear Drops e.V. does not participate in political, religious, ethnic or ideological disputes and nor will its actions be affected.